Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Sunday, March 12, 2023

This appeals to the geek in me

I got my first Atari computer in 1984 and learned to program it. I had a tape drive, a single-density floppy drive [later got a third-party double-density drive], a dot-matrix printer, and joysticks. It got me through the end of high school, all of my undergraduate years, and into my graduate studies, as well as my marriage and divorce before it finally died. I still have the original word processor, BASIC, and games on ROM cartridges, and I went on eBay a few years ago and got another computer so I could relive the thrill that it gave me. I also have a Nintendo that isn't one of the first that came out, but it is the original system, just a slightly smaller version. I thought I was doing well. But nothing like this Gen X compatriot. Were you a Commodore person, or Atari? Do any of you have any older models, either leftover from your life in the early days or found again?

Apple, Atari, and Commodore, oh my! Explore a deluxe home vintage computer den: Brian Green re-lives the 1980s with dozens of fully operational vintage PCs at home.

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