Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Thursday, July 31, 2008

I could have easily died tonight

I was coming back from getting my friend from work, had dropped him off, and was mainly concerned with getting home with my gas light on empty. I was driving down Man O'War road (a big circle on the outskirts of Lexington, one I live right off of) in the rain, when a fire department ambulance came out of one of the side roads as I was very, very close to the intersection already.

I didn't have time to brake gently, and if I went right on through we could have collided. So I broke hard, but they locked, and it sent me into a wide 270-degree spin in the middle of the intersection, going into the oncoming side (there were no cars coming, thankfully), and I narrowly avoided hitting the median on the way back to my side of the road. The ambulance waited for me to start back up again and show I was okay by moving back the other sixty degrees, and then went on.

I shook the rest of the way home. I'm glad A wasn't in the car. He would have utterly freaked, and I'd rather if I died in an accident not to take anyone with me--and YKWIA would never forgive me. I have to admit I did alright at the time--it was just afterwards where I was a bit of a wreck, but I managed to hold it together until I got home. I parked the car and could not get out of it soon enough.

I'm going to curl up in my unmoving bed and go to sleep. It's not 100% safe (storms could rip the building up around me, I suppose, or a car could crash through) but those are so infinitesimal in probability, I'm willing to take my chances. Good night.

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