Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Yay, KU!

No, that's not a college. It's Kentucky Utilities, our electric company, I'm talking about.

So it's been warm here the last couple of days, in the 50s (Fahrenheit), and we've had a cold front come through tonight with lightning, hail or sleet, winds up to 50 mph, and the temperature has plunged 20 degrees, with wind chills expected in the single digits tomorrow. Ack.

Coming home earlier, three of the traffic lights along Man O'War Blvd were out completely--not flashing, just out, and with the driving rain and foggy car, I didn't even realise it until I'd gone through Alumni. I stopped at Easthills and Beaver Creek. There were no police on the scene, and everything to the right of the road was dead black. I went on home, felt my way to a candle (I have a flashlight, but I carried it in my purse and it must have gotten turned on at some point, because it, too, is dead. So I sat in my comfy chair and got warm from where I'd gotten wet by snuggling under a comforter, and waited for a call on my cell to pick up a friend.

At least when I went to pick him up from work, the rain had stopped. Beaver Creek was out still and people were blowing through that intersection without pause, so I knew I'd never be able to turn left towards Alumni. So I turned right and went via Richmond Road, going past the gas station, which still had power.

When I delivered my friend, parts of his street were without power, including his house. I headed back, and reached Alumni, which was miraculously lit. So was Easthills. And Beaver Creek was at least flashing--and there was a cop car finally. Of course all the lights between were on, too. So when I got to my apartment there was blessed light, thanks to the electric company. I just hope they get my friends' power back on soon. They, like most of us, need it. It's funny how much you take it for granted, when there are so many in this world that have none.

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