Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Well, another day comes to a close

It's been pretty productive, all told; two appointments, one an intake into therapy, the other with my psychiatrist, who prescribed a low dose of Adderall to help my attention issues on a trial basis. That puts me on both a stimulant and a sedative, which is a little strange, but her pharmocology has worked well so far. If I do have ADD, which indicators are that I do, then a stimulant should actually have a calming effect that will allow me to focus better around distractions. We'll see. I'd be interested in hearing from anyone with experience with this. On the one hand, I'd really like to see it help. On the other hand, well, it's an amphetamine, so that's a little frightening.

I had a rather nerve-wracking (in the figurative sense, as I was actually pretty calm) experience driving down the road from my doctor's to the television station, which is just a few blocks down one street but my goodness, there was a funeral, an ambulance; I'm surprised the train didn't come as well. Normally I wouldn't be all that concerned but my gas light is on and I didn't have any money to put in more with me. This is going to be so fun. I get paid tomorrow but it all goes to rent with the exception of maybe $5, which won't help much on the gas front.

I got quite a bit accomplished at both work sites, and I'm going to take some from the station home with me and work some more. It involves reading lots of jargon in tiny print, so it's best to do in short spurts.

I guess that's all for now. I wish I had access from home and could type things in when I think of them. Whenever I'm away from the computer I tend to think of more to say. Maybe I need to start blogging on my PDA. I found my keyboard last night in a fit of looking for something else. :)

Have a good night and hope you all are safe and well. (Gee, can you tell I'm feeling a teensy bit lonely?) Which brings me to this, a small poem I came up with last night:

I miss
your humour
my laughter
feeling needed
feeling useful

I feel
not empty
but bored
as if life isn't
quite full

I'm waiting
to see you
to share my time
with yours

Not great, I know, but it's off the cuff. September seems to be stretching out in front of me quite a bit. It's going to be a long, quiet, lonely two weeks, I think.

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