Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Sunday, June 24, 2007

I am Catwoman??!?

You Are Catwoman

"Life's a bitch. Now so am I."

Pet peeve of the night: Spending nearly 20 minutes in a Taco Bell drive-through line (because it's one of the few things open at 3 am) to have some guy look away every time he hands anything to you, nearly dropping each thing. Argh.

Today has not been good for my love of my fellow man. One of my co-workers at the gas station, borrowed from another store, is loud, brusque, overly talkative, and attention-seeking, to name a few. We're still being slammed since the other store on the same road is shut down for renovations. Several things went wrong, mainly due to people's inability to choose the correct grade of gasoline or driving up and letting us think they'd driven off. By the time I left work (nearly 40 minutes late) I had a huge headache and no more perkiness to speak of. But I kept my cool throughout the day, until someone kept jiggling the handle to the bathroom door when I was in it for all of two minutes, like I magically disappeared and the bathroom would be free. I did resist the urge to shove open the door and take down anyone in its way, though. Then I got some gas, made my escape, and immersed myself into priming shelves and walls, something I did until just recently. Now I'm home, and tired. I'm going to be sore tomorrow, I can tell. The actual painting starts then.

Fortunately I had good company tonight and I feel better. I'm finishing up my food and I'll go to bed soon. But I'm going to spend a few minutes winding down.

Sad thing is, this is the second time today I've been to Taco Bell. I so need to get some groceries in the house. Maybe tomorrow...

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