Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Sunday, April 23, 2023

This morning's effort

I started out my morning with plants, of course. We went to Meijer for a few things last night and my roommate really liked a purple calibrachoa he saw in a hanging basket. I told him they liked sun, but this morning I was double-checking and they do well so long as they get about 6 hours of decent sun. The front of his house is direct morning sun, so I wasn't sure last night, but since it gets super-hot on the other side of the house (sunnier, but to the west and slightly south), I decided it was worth a try to get one and experiment on the front. So I went back and got the very one he'd been looking which is hanging in a nice, compact ball with plenty of room to grow. I would have liked to get a couple of pink geraniums for the porch, but they were looking puny. The begonias in 4" pots looked pretty, though, so I got a couple of pink ones and a couple of small pots (I've got a couple of more here should they outgrow them), then drove home carefully (plants in car!), potted up the begonias, watered them, hung the calibrachoa and cut off its tag. Here is the result:

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