
Saturday, June 22, 2024

How my anxiety actually works, as demonstrated in the last 10 hours:

Last night:

  1. There was a skunk in the yard, I can smell it.
  2. There was recently a rabid skunk locally. 
  3. I just set up a portable air conditioner [our AC has been out for some time, and it's so hot, in the 100s as far as heat index, and we are all suffering]. There is no screen over the exhaust tube. It just came with a cap in case you weren't using it for awhile
  4. Oh, Gods, what if a rabid skunk climbs into the tube to the air conditioner?
  5. What if it gnaws through the tube and gets into the house?
  6. What if it bites me or my roommate or the animals?
  7. Okay, Lisa, you're just being anxious. Calm down.

This morning:

  1. Realises that there's no way it can happen.
  2. Tells roommate in jocular way about it all and how silly it was, because after all, it operates with the WINDOW screen in front of it.
  3. Roommate shakes head.
  4. Goes back to room. Gives the air conditioning vent a long, hard look. 
  5. Realises that while installing the vent and assembly, I forgot to put down the screen. Does so, forgetting I taped the window to the assembly. 🙂
  6. All is right with the world.
  7. Realises a skunk really could have climbed in and gnawed through the tubing. 
  8. Go back to the beginning and repeat.

Goodness. Anxiety sucks. But that screen is down. Thank you, rabid skunk..

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